Forex Trading for Beginners in South Africa

The novice always wants to know forex trading strategies. Forex trading for beginners is secure if the learner follows step by step forex trading strategies. Always remember, if you try to complete any task in a hurry mode, you will never be successful. So, the question may arise. What are the best forex trading tips for beginners? What are the forex trading strategies for beginners? Are there any special forex trading tips for beginners from South Africa?

Keeping in mind all the above questions, we are writing this article for you. You can follow our guidelines and forex trading strategies for beginners. However, the tips for forex trading beginners from South Africa and any country around the world is the same.

The Best Forex Brokers for Beginners in South Africa

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What Is Forex Trading?

To start with the best guidelines for forex trading for beginners from South Africa and the rest of the world, it is necessary to know what forex is. If you have not a complete idea about what forex is, you may be unable to apply forex trading strategies for the beginners.

Forex trading is a stock market investment. It involves placing a stock market order. The word Forex is a term for the currency market, where different investors trade currency and a few further financial possessions.

Currency exchange, an everyday activity takes place 24 hours a day worldwide.  Trading takes place through computer networks between all traders in the world, electronically. Forex is the most liquid market, and it is the most open market in the world. Therefore, it is the most challenging market to handle.

Forex Trading for Beginners in South Africa

Forex Trading Terminology

The terms used in this market are unique. To help you get started in the currency market, we have selected the leading forex trading terminologies that you will find useful. Here are the essential terms of Forex Trading that you need to learn before applying forex trading strategies for the beginners.

Bid & Ask (the price of the offer and the price of the request)

The price displayed on a professional trading platform always has two current prices. The offer price is the price at which you can sell. However, this is the highest price offered by a buyer at that time. The demand price is the price at which you can buy. It is the lowest price asked by a seller at that time. The amount of the offer is always lower than the cost of the request.


Spread is the difference between the price of supply and the amount of demand. Besides, the spread is an indirect cost for the trader. If the spread is lower, the trader is better. And lower fees can translate into potentially higher returns.

Base Currency

It is the first currency mentioned in a currency pair. A single unit always expresses base currency, for example, GBP.USD = 1.20, in this example, GBP is the base currency, and one GBP unit is equal to 1.20 USD.

The Quote Currency

It is the second currency in a currency pair. An exchange rate indicates the number of units of the quote currency that is required to buy a unit of the base currency. Eg. GBP.USD = 1.20. In this example, the USD is the quote currency, and one GBP is equal to 1.20 USD.


Lot is the size of the order. You know what? One lot corresponds to 100,000 units, and a position taken on 5 EUR.USD lots correspond, for example, to a place of 500,000 euros. A mini lot corresponds, for instance, 10,000 units.


Pip is the unit, which represents the smallest possible variation of a course. The quotation of most currency pairs is displayed in four decimal places. But for currency pairs with the Japanese yen, the pip corresponds to the 2nd decimal place.

The swap

The swap is interest paid for positions opened overnight. A Forex position is a long position in one currency and a short position in another currency. The difference in interest rates applied to the two currencies is paid or received by the Forex investor.

Forex Trading for Beginners

Forex Trading Lessons For Beginners

How to learn forex lessons is the question that all beginners ask themselves. Yes, forex trading for beginners from South Africa and other countries, keep in mind that you can learn forex trading lessons a novice into two ways:

  • Either alone doing your own experience in the Forex market
  • Join a free Forex training online

It is essential to know how to understand forex before risking hard-earned money!There are free forex online courses. Forex trading beginners from any country or South Africa, you can attend those courses to learn lessons. However, we are also presenting the complete forex trading guide for beginners. The forex trader has several types of orders that he can use to trade currencies:

  • Order To Buy At The Market
  • Order Of Sale Market
  • Buy Limit Pending Order
  • Buy Stop Pending Order
  • Sell ​​Limit Pending Order
  • Sell ​​Stop Pending Order

There are also two significant market orders for the novice trader:

  • Stop Loss Order, and
  • Order Take Profit

Trading Platform For Beginners

The question of choosing the best forex broker for forex trading beginners is a question that any traders who want to be successful in forex trading must seriously consider.

  • eToro
  • com
  • NSBroker
  • AvaTrade
  • Plus500
  • ETX Capital
  • com
  • XTB
  • FBS
  • CMC Markets

Beginner Forex Trading Strategies

It is easy to develop forex trading strategies for the novice. It is, however, better not to expect too high.  Forex trading for beginners from South Africa and other parts need to follow the following forex trading strategies:

Where You Want To Trade

Forex trading is indeed different from stocks and cryptocurrencies. The factors that drive the dollar exchange rate are not the same as, for example, Facebook stocks.

Choose The Period

Each period can be successfully traded. Both long-term and short-term transactions can have positive aspects. Whichever time interval you choose, you should keep this in mind when developing a trading strategy, as long and short term trading strategies are not the same.

Choose Your Tools

Many traders believe that there are good and bad indicators and that by finding a particular combination of these, they will no longer need to make trading decisions themselves. It is indeed wrong.  There is, in fact, time as well as a place for each indicator. It is also possible to trade without any sign. However, most novice traders will find it useful to use one or two symbols to understand market conditions better.

Market Condition

Never ever guess or listen to what your heart says. Learn and study the market condition. And from the market condition, fix the signs which you should follow.

Choose The Exit Conditions

The exit is as important as the entry (maybe even more). The retreat is when you lock in payments and proceed to the next transaction, assess past performance, and adjust your strategy.

Forex Trading for Beginners South Africa

Forex Trading Tips For Beginners

You are visiting our webpage in the hope of learning the unique tips for trading forex. Forex trading for beginners, from whichever country you are, for example, South Africa or Uganda, follow the following tips which will undoubtedly sharpen your knowledge on how to trade forex to earn the profit.

Choose a Compatible Trading Style

Among all the trading styles, namely, scalping, day trading, swing trading, and position trading, select the best one which is compatible with you. You are surely aware that scalpers seek to make small profits, whereas day trading is different from scalping trading. In day trading, one needs to have patience. Swing trade involves waiting for the right deal to develop. So, depending on your goal and need, choose a perfect trading style for your compatible.

Keep Records

Never forget to keep all of your trading records. These records will indeed help you to analyze why you have made a profit and vice versa. Besides, you will also learn how to improve decisions by analyzing the losing record.

Keep Your Emotions

Keep your emotion at a certain level so that it can not affect your decision. By making a profit, don’t be so happy and emotional and start investing in the same strategy without analyzing all the factors. It may bring a loss. Similarly, being so sad, don’t make any decisions, which may bring a disastrous effect.

Never Be Over Confident

Suppose you are making a profit with your strategies and style. Don’t be overconfident and start applying the same approaches to invest without pre-plan. Make a full stop after winning. Then study and invest. Besides, never be so greedy. Control your mind.

Learn Always

Study the forex market regularly. Besides, attend training on forex trading. There are plenty of training facilities online, which are free of cost.

Follow A Daily Loss Limits

Make a plan to tolerate the loss limit everyday. Make records. Stop investing for the day when you find that your loss limit is at the dead end. Start the next day again.

Keep A Certain Percentage For Risk Factors

After winning, always keep a certain percentage from the winning money. For example, save 2 % and use this 2 % when you are in the risk zone.

Currency Pair

When you start to reach your Forex profit target, don’t try to learn everything there is to know about each available currency pair.Start with one and stick with it.

Update Your Knowledge

Always update your knowledge about the approaches and strategies. Besides, upgrade your experience on the available software or mobile apps for forex trading.


Follow our forex trading strategies as described per the point of a view of a novice. This article will undoubtedly help forex trading for beginners form South Africa or any other country around the world. We tried our best to make this article concise and straightforward so that a novice can easily pick up all the best tips and strategies to start trading forex.

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